commissioning music

There are many reasons to commission new music: weddings, birthdays, graduations, grand openings, and anniversaries.  Music can also be commissioned to honor a life, or someone’s service to a community. And music is also commissioned for the sheer joy of bringing new art into the world, an occasion in itself.

The cost of commissioning music varies greatly depending on the ensemble, as well as the length and scope of the work. The Meet the Composer foundation has set up guidelines for commissioning music through their website. Click here to view these guidelines. I recommend that anyone new to commissioning music read this basic guide. My prices are negotiable.

Interested in being a part of a commissioning consortium?

A commissioning consortium is a group of people (conductors, donors, performers), ensembles (professional or amateur) or schools (public or private) that band together to commission new works in a combined fiscal effort. I have received several commissions through consortiums and I am very pleased with how they have turned out. Each performing organization, or person, receives their own premiere of the work, and can communicate with the composer directly throughout the commissioning process, but can do so at a fraction of the cost of commissioning alone. I try to keep my consortium fees between $200 to $1000 per group.

Right now I am organizing several different consortiums to help fund projects I am passionate about. They are:

  • 10 piano etudes
  • a four movement work for string orchestra
  • a 30-40 minute work for mixed choir, orchestra, and projections

If you are interested in receiving more information about any of these projects, please contact me. If you are interested in forming your OWN consortium in order to commission me, please let me know! I’d be happy to help find other commissioning parties!

Please contact me if you are considering bringing more art into the world through commissioning music. I would be happy to discuss it with you.


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