grants & awards

2021, Artist Career Development Grant, Central Minnesota Arts Board to create #ComposeLikeAGirl podcast

2020, Individual Artist Award, Central Minnesota Arts Board

2013 – 2018, Composer in Residence, North Dakota State University

2017, American Prize in Composition, Opera/Musical Theater division, 1st place, for Test Pilot

2016, Finalist, Calliope’s Call, for “Salve, Regina”

2016, Finalist, Sorel Medallion, for “Ophelia”

2015, Sage Award, “Best Overall Design” for Test Pilot

2015, American Prize in Composition, Choral Division, 3rd Place, for “Sanctus” from amass

2014, McKnight Artist Fellowship

2014, Boston Metro Opera International Contempo Festival, Director’s Choice Award, for Kiss

2014, Live Music for Dance Grant, American Composers Forum, for Test Pilot, a dance opera based on flight

2013, Winner of the Young New Yorkers’ Chorus Composition Competition for “Trees Need Not Walk the Earth”

2012, Next Step Grant, Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, to record a CD of art songs ~ Songs of Fields and Prairies

2011, Live Music for Dance Grant, American Composers Forum, to compose a work with choreographer Penny Freeh ~ Slippery Fish

2011, Recording Grant, Sorel Organization, to record amass

2010, McKnight Artist Fellowship

2010, Project Grant, Minnesota State Arts Board, to compose a work for the Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra ~ Solar

2009, Encore Grant, American Composers Forum

2009, Jerome Grant, American Composers Forum and the Jerome Foundation, to compose a work for Trio Callisto ~ Poem

2009, “Conductor’s Choice” in the Sorel Medallion Competition for “Benedictus” from amass

2008, Subito Grant, American Composers Forum

2008, Honorable Mention in the Cincinnati Camerata Composition Competition for “Sanctus” and “Benedictus” from amass

2005, Honorable Mention in the ASCAP/Lotte Lehmann Song Cycle Composition Competition for Songs of Fields and Prairies

2005, VocalEssence Welcome Christmas! Carol Contest Winner for “See Amid the Winter Snow”

2005, Yale Glee Club Emerging Composer Competition Winner for “Laus Trinitati”

2005, San Francisco Song Festival Composition Competition Winner for Songs of Fields and Prairies

2003, Honorable Mention in the ASCAP/Rudolph Nissim Competition for Ashes of Roses, a requiem for SATB choir, orchestra, and soloists

upcoming events

7:30 pm Toronto Mendelssohn Choir Perfor... @ Trinity St. Paul's Centre
Toronto Mendelssohn Choir Perfor... @ Trinity St. Paul's Centre
Feb 8 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Toronto Mendelssohn Choir Performs The Notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci @ Trinity St. Paul's Centre
Jean-Sébastien Vallée, conductor Toronto Mendelssohn Singers Instrumental Ensemble   Program: Antonio Vivaldi: Gloria in D Major, RV 589 Jocelyn Hagen: The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci   Featuring Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks and Antonio Vivaldi’s celestial[...]
10:15 am Minneapolis Brass Ensemble Premi... @ Minneapolis Convention Center Auditorium
Minneapolis Brass Ensemble Premi... @ Minneapolis Convention Center Auditorium
Feb 15 @ 10:15 am – 11:15 am
Minneapolis Brass Ensemble Premieres "Hands" @ Minneapolis Convention Center Auditorium
The Midwinter Convention is MMEA’s annual professional development convention. The state’s largest gathering of music educators features nationally-recognized headliners, a wide variety of performances and informances, sessions from area presenters, P.I.T. Stop Sessions for practical[...]
7:30 pm Ottawa Choral Society: The Noteb... @ Carleton Dominion Chalmers Centre
Ottawa Choral Society: The Noteb... @ Carleton Dominion Chalmers Centre
Feb 25 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Ottawa Choral Society: The Notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci @ Carleton Dominion Chalmers Centre
Performed by Ottawa Choral Society, The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci will offer a multi-media experience using the latest in video syncing technology, combining choir, full orchestra and video projections. Composer Jocelyn Hagen was inspired[...]
7:30 pm Ottawa Choral Society: The Noteb... @ Carleton Dominion Chalmers Centre
Ottawa Choral Society: The Noteb... @ Carleton Dominion Chalmers Centre
Feb 25 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Ottawa Choral Society: The Notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci @ Carleton Dominion Chalmers Centre
Performed by Ottawa Choral Society, The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci will offer a multi-media experience using the latest in video syncing technology, combining choir, full orchestra and video projections. Composer Jocelyn Hagen was inspired[...]
7:30 pm UNT Wind Symphony Performs ‘Medusa’ @ University of North Texas Murchison Performing Arts Center
UNT Wind Symphony Performs ‘Medusa’ @ University of North Texas Murchison Performing Arts Center
Mar 26 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
UNT Wind Symphony Performs 'Medusa' @ University of North Texas Murchison Performing Arts Center
The University of North Texas Wind Symphony performs Medusa, a theatrical work for wind symphony and soprano. Medusa represents the untold stories of many women– powerful and full of rage, commanding your attention.   Eugene[...]
8:00 pm UNT Wind Symphony Performs ‘Medusa’ @ Texas Christian University Van Cliburn Concert Hall
UNT Wind Symphony Performs ‘Medusa’ @ Texas Christian University Van Cliburn Concert Hall
Mar 27 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
UNT Wind Symphony Performs 'Medusa' @ Texas Christian University Van Cliburn Concert Hall
The University of North Texas Wind Symphony performs Medusa, a theatrical work for wind symphony and soprano. Medusa represents the untold stories of many women– powerful and full of rage, commanding your attention.   Eugene[...]
3:00 pm Montgomery County Chorale & Orch... @ Trinity Lutheran Church
Montgomery County Chorale & Orch... @ Trinity Lutheran Church
Apr 6 @ 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Montgomery County Chorale & Orchestra Performs 'Ashes of Roses' @ Trinity Lutheran Church
Montgomery County Chorale & Orchestra’s Spring Concert Featuring an East Coast Premiere The ensemble will present the East Coast premiere of Minnesota-based composer, Jocelyn Hagen’s requiem entitled Ashes of Roses. This piece, for choir, orchestra, soloists, and[...]

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