Speak the Truth
Inspired by Native American proverbs, this piece emphasizes the importance of kindness and bravery.
Voicing: TB, piano
Duration: 2 minutes
To see perusal score, please contact Jocelyn.
Commissioned by Graphite Publishing for the 2013-14 Young Men’s Commissioning Consortium
Participating choirs:
Appleton East High School, Daniel Van Sickle
Arlington High School, Dinah Menger
Bonneville High School, Steve Dresen
Bryan High School, Colin Brown
Cherry Creek High School, Sarah Harrison
Cordus Mundi, Rick Rosen
Eastview High School, Greg Douma
Flower Mound High School, Mark Rohwer
Fosston High School, Paul Peltier
Hopkins High School, Philip Brown
Madison Youth Choirs, Michael Ross
Metea Valley High School, Nathan Bramstedt
Minnesota Boychoir, Mark Johnson
Oshkosh West High School, Herb Berendsen
Poudre School District, Cynthia Vaughn
Prairie Middle School, Philip Drozda
St. Olaf College, Chris Aspaas
Stoney Creek High School, Brandon Ulrich
Washburn Rural High School, Adam White
Commissioned by Graphite Publishing for the 2013-14 Young Men’s Commissioning Consortium
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy – myself. Be brave where bravery is honorable. Man has responsibility, not power. Speak the truth to all people. Give me knowledge, so I may have kindness for all. The more you give, the more good things come to you. Be kind to everything that lives. We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.
– Native American Proverbs
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